
Building safety – Pennycrofts Court

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Your building safety manager

Nothing is more important to us than the safety of our residents.ÌýÌý

In line with our safety-first approach, we have appointed Building safety managers to cover our 500+ complex buildings.Ìý

William Hodgson is the Building safety manager for Pennycrofts Court and is responsible for ensuring the safety of the building and its residents. He will actively engage with residents, encourage them to get involved and raise any safety concerns they may have and keep them informed about building safety in an open and transparent way.Ìý

He also works closely with our Fire safety teams, your Neighbourhood officer and Staffordshire Fire and Rescue Service to make sure Pennycrofts Court is kept safe.ÌýÌý

If you have a safety question about Pennycrofts Court, or you want to raise a safety concern, you can contact William using the options below.Ìý

About Pennycrofts Court

We want all our customers to feel safe in their homes.ÌýÌý

High-rise buildings are designed and built to make sure that, if a fire breaks out, it is contained to the flat where it started without spreading to other flats for 60 minutes.Ìý This provides time for the fire service to deal effectively with incidents and should make sure that other residents are not affected.Ìý

In Pennycrofts Court, there are certain features and equipment to keep you safe. These include fire doors, fire detection and alarm systems and structural features including fireproof bin chutes and service ducts.ÌýÌý

Remember, we need your help to keep everyone safe. Please keep the building’s fire doors closed, the corridors and exits clear, and report any faults with fire doors or other safety equipment as soon as possible.Ìý

Report any safety concerns immediately by calling our customer services team on 0800 048 8955.Ìý


Fire escape plan

It is important that you know the escape plan for your building.ÌýÌý

If fire breaks out in your flat:Ìý

If a fire breaks out in your flat, you should leave the room where the fire is straight away and then close the door. Tell everyone in your flat about the fire, get them to leave and close the entrance door behind you.Ìý

Please do not stay behind to put the fire out. Wait outside, away from the building and call the fire service by dialling 999 or 112.Ìý

If you see or hear a fire somewhere else in the building:Ìý

Pennycrofts Court has a Stay Put policy.Ìý

It is often safer to ‘stay put’ (stay in your flat) unless your flat is being affected by fire or smoke. This is because the building is designed so that fire does not spread from where it starts. However, if you feel threatened by smoke or fire, get out and stay out.Ìý

When you stay in your flat, you reduce the risk of entering a smoky corridor unnecessarily and potentially being overcome by smoke. Staying put also means firefighters can tackle the fire safely and quickly without being delayed by many residents evacuating down the stairways. You will be assisted to evacuate the building safely by the fire service if needed. Ìý

Please familiarise yourself with the ‘fire action’ signs. You will find these in the main corridors and exits at Pennycrofts Court. Make sure you, and anyone you live with, are aware of the instructions.Ìý

We work closely with Staffordshire Fire and Rescue Service. You can contact them for more information and advice on fire safety in your home, by calling freephone 0300 330 1000.Ìý

Help us keep Pennycrofts Court safeÌý

Please do:Ìý

  • make sure you know the escape plan for your building.Ìý
  • keep exits clear – in your own flat and in shared areas.Ìý
  • keep corridors and stairwells clear.Ìý
  • report any safety concerns immediately by calling our customer services team on 0800 048 8955.Ìý

Please do not:Ìý

  • wedge fire doors open.Ìý
  • make changes to your flat’s front door without seeking advice from us.Ìý
  • dump rubbish or old furniture in front of exits, in corridors, in stairwells or outside.Ìý

Report it!

Report any safety concerns immediately by calling our customer services team on 0800 048 8955.Ìý

This could include:Ìý

  • lifts out of service.Ìý
  • faulty smoke alarms.Ìý
  • damage to doors.Ìý
  • security concerns.Ìý

Our Customer Engagement Strategy for Pennycrofts Court sets out how we are putting you at the heart of our approach to building safety to help us make sure that you feel safe in your home. To learn more, you can read our strategy.Ìý

Read our customer engagement strategy for Pennycrofts Court


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