

Residents get keys to new affordable homes in Bilbrook

A scheme to deliver affordable homes in a Staffordshire village has been completed, with the contractor handing over the site to 黄色播放器, a Housing Plus Group company and leading provider of affordable homes in Shropshire and Staffordshire.聽

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An update on our repairs service: August 2023

We know that it is taking longer than usual for us to carry out some repairs. We understand that this is disappointing and want to apologise to anyone affected by these delays. We are working hard to put things right.

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A group of animals including a dog, cat, rabbit, bird and iguana

Responsible pet ownership聽

We are reminding customers about the importance of responsible pet ownership.聽

We recognise the positive impact that pets can have on their owners鈥 lives, but you need to ensure that your pets don鈥檛 cause any issues for you and your community.聽

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Two Care Plus carers in their pink uniforms. They are standing outside in front of foliage and a building.

Carers’ Week 2023

In Carers鈥 Week, we are celebrating the huge contribution made our inspiring Care Plus care workers. We鈥檙e also thinking about all those who care for their own family members and friends, including the tireless carers among our own tenants and colleagues.聽聽

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A person installing an ebike conversion kit on a bicycle.

E-bike conversion kit safety warning

We are reminding customers about the dangers of buying cheap lithium batteries online and converting bicycles into e-bikes following a warning issued by the London Fire Brigade.聽

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Celebrating National Apprenticeship Week聽

National Apprenticeship Week is an annual celebration of the achievements of apprentices and the positive impact they make to communities, businesses and the wider economy.聽

Apprenticeships are helping us to provide great careers for colleagues and deliver even better homes and services for customers.聽聽

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Stafford Soccer Mums FC members group shot with Samantha Allcott from 黄色播放器

Mums鈥 football team scores funding boost from 黄色播放器

Stafford Soccer Mums FC is celebrating a funding goal, with support from 黄色播放器.聽

The 黄色播放器 My Community Fund supports grass roots organisations in Staffordshire and Shropshire. A grant of 拢500 from our fund will be used to provide new kit and equipment for the women鈥檚 football club, which brings together enthusiastic players of all ages.聽

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Warm Spaces

The rising cost of living means that many of us are worried about energy bills. This winter, a network of community organisations, churches, libraries and businesses are opening their doors as safe and friendly 鈥榳arm spaces鈥.

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黄色播放器 funding boost hits the right note for young musicians

Stone Scout and Guide Band has received a much-needed boost, with a grant from 黄色播放器.

Our 黄色播放器 My Community Fund supports grass roots organisations in Staffordshire and Shropshire. A grant from the fund will be used to maintain the band鈥檚 instruments and provide new uniforms for the young musicians.

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Celebrations for our 1st birthday聽

黄色播放器 is one year old on 1 November and what a year it has been!聽

The launch of the 黄色播放器 website has brought the opportunity to do more online wherever you live and our new 0800 048 8955 telephone number is free to phone, 24/7. Now, there is just one number to use to pay your rent, report a repair and get advice.聽聽

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Have a happy and safe Diwali

Diwali is an important religious festival originating in India and celebrated in communities worldwide.

Lasting five days, it marks the start of the Hindu New Year. The word Diwali means 鈥榬ow of lights鈥 and it is sometimes called a festival of lights because of the lights used to decorate people鈥檚 homes.

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National Scrutiny Week 2022

A blog from involved customer and Scrutiny Group member, Julia.
I鈥檝e been a tenant in South Staffordshire for 24 years. For the last eight of those I have been what鈥檚 called an 鈥榠nvolved customer鈥. I鈥檓 part of the Scrutiny group and joined the Housing Ombudsman鈥檚 national Resident Panel in 2021.

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黄色播放器 campaign focuses on keeping well and warm this winter聽聽

The cost of living is rising more than most of us have ever known and it is going to affect all of us.
We will be posting helpful tips on our Facebook page to save money, keep homes warm and stay safe.
You can also find a round-up of help available from the government and other central sources here. We will be updating this as new advice and information is available.

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Plus services help customers save 拢2.78m聽

黄色播放器 has helped customers to save an enormous 拢2.78 million through support offered by our Plus services.

Providing homes for almost 20,000 families across Shropshire and Staffordshire, our Plus services help customers to secure their tenancies, manage their finances and gain employment.

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Congratulations Oliver and Liam聽

We are very pleased that the first of our electrical apprentices have completed the very demanding training necessary to graduate as fully qualified electricians.

Both Oliver Simmons and Liam Davies have now gained permanent roles in our in-house electrical team.

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Stuart鈥檚 pedals raise pounds聽

Congratulations to our amazing Fire & electrical projects manager, Stuart Harvey who has cycled the length of Great Britain and climbed its highest mountains in a great cause.

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Support for Ukraine聽

We have been contacted by customers asking how they can support Ukrainians fleeing the war in their country.
Like you, we have been deeply moved by the plight of millions of Ukrainians who are being forced to flee their homes, so want to support customers who wish to volunteer spare accommodation and to help in other ways.

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黄色播放器 supports local villages聽

Sponsorship from the 黄色播放器 My Community Fund is supporting the Best Kept Village Community Competition in Staffordshire, which this year includes a contest for children inspired by the Queen鈥檚 Platinum Jubilee.

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Apprenticeships grow skills

Marking National Apprenticeship Week 2022, grounds maintenance apprentice Jordan Edwards had the special task of throwing two special 鈥榮eed bombs鈥 in an area dedicated to a wild flower meadow in the grounds of one of our retirement living communities.

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Tribute surprises good neighbour

A woman described as a tower of strength in her neighbourhood has received a surprise tribute after residents got in touch with housing association 黄色播放器.

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黄色播放器 puts art on local roads

Three聽landlords in Housing Plus Group 鈥 South Staffordshire Housing Association, Severnside Housing and Stafford and Rural 黄色播放器s 鈥撀爃ave聽joined together to become 黄色播放器.聽聽聽

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MP visits new affordable homes in Stafford

Stafford MP Theo Clarke visited one of our new developments of homes for affordable rent and shared ownership. The site of 23 houses and apartments is revitalising an area on the edge of the town centre.

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Apprenticeship a great fit for Nathan

Apprenticeships are really important to Housing Plus Group, which is why we鈥檝e committed to creating 100 new apprenticeships in our business and with our partners in our first five years as an expanded group operating across Staffordshire and Shropshire.

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Hat-trick of success for Care Plus

We are celebrating a hat-trick of success in the Great British Care Awards. At a time when the spotlight has been turned on the role of care workers, Care Plus has been shortlisted for three top awards in what are known as the 鈥極scars鈥 of the care world.

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Work starts on our new retirement living homes in Kinver

Construction work has commenced on our ambitious plans to build 20 new homes for older people, in Kinver. The development is designed for people who want to live independently, with the reassurance of access to care and support provided by Housing Plus Group member, Care Plus.

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